Federal 6.5 Creedmoor 130gr Berger AR Hybrid OTM Tactical, 20/Box
Federal / American Eagle
Reloading Bullets
Berger 130 Grain AR Hybrid OTM (Open Tip Match) Tactical Rifle Bullets utilize their industry-leading hybrid ogive, which blends tangent and secant designs to optimize efficiency, reduce wind-drift, and minimize sensitivity to seating depth. The Hybrid OTM Tactials are competition proven and a favorite amongst today’s top long range competition shooters. Designed for both bolt action use in cartridges such as the 6.5 Creemoor, 6.5mm Grendel and 260 Remington. Excellent in a gas gun for reliable feeding in magazine applications. Made with J4 Precision Jackets, the Ar Hybrid OTM Tactical like all other Berger Rifle Bullets, have exacting tolerance and near perfect construction.
A Better Bullet Begins with a Better Jacket
Berger’s J4 Precision Bullet Jackets are world-renowned for having the best concentricity available. Each production lot of J4 Jackets measures +/-.0003″ Total Indicated Runout (TIR). No other bullet manufacturer in the world is able to replicate these unprecedented results and claim “J4-consistency.”
Works well in my 20" 6.5 Grendel. I am still fine tuning but can drive them a bit over 2300 fps. Groups are decent, but where it shines is wind don't seem to bother it much.
I worked up a load of 41.6 grs of H4350 in my Savage GRS 6.5 creedmoor. Muzzle velocity was 2845fps. First trip out at 1000 yards they shot .610 MOA. I seated them so they would feed out of the magazine. I did single feed them though.
I have shot well over 2000 of these bullets in PRS training and matches and have consistent results. Loaded with H4350 FGMM primers and Lapua brass I get consistent single digit SD'S and excellent sub moa groups.
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